
Active ingredient:

Sodium pentosan polysulfate

Drug description:

This medication protects articular cartilage in the joints. More precisely, it:

• slows the destruction of cartilage;

• increases the production of proteoglycans, a molecule found in healthy cartilage;

• increases the viscosity (sticky texture) of the protective fluid normally present in the joints;

• promotes blood circulation in the joints. This helps to get the damaging molecules out and get the right molecules into the joints.


Cartrophen® is used in dogs with osteoarthritis to help slow down the degeneration of their joints.


This medication should not be used in animals that are allergic to it.

Side effects:

The most common side effects are vomiting, loss of appetite and depression.

Interactions avec d'autres médicaments:

Cartrophen® can react with medications that promote coagulation.

Forms available:

This product is available as an injectable liquid.


This product must be kept in the refrigerator and protected from light.


The bottle must be thrown out 3 months after being opened.